
by Solerus GmbH



JobEngel works on the principle of not actively applying, but being approached by companies. We are concerned with focusing on the essentials - matching the skills of applicants with the requirements of companies.Features:1. JobEngel focuses on objectivity, data economy and simplicity. 2. JobEngel is suitable for all occupational groups, regardless of whether they are looking for a permanent position, a training position, a part-time job, an internship or freelance work. 3. since skills, experience and interests are what counts when filling a job, JobEngel focuses precisely on these requirements. 4. JobEngel is very careful with the information provided and is 100% non-discriminatory. 5. there are no job advertisements on JobEngel. Companies pay once per contact with a potential candidate.6. the use of JobEngel is and remains 100% free of charge for job seekers.